Subscribe to the plastic free and reusable life. Get new products made from natural oils and ingredients.
With a standard quarterly payment plan, you will get access to huge savings and additional offers.
Your subscription will have a variety or soaps, candles, shampoos, conditioners, toiletries and more!
So join now and become a happy little quokka.
Summer - Cape York and Wedding Cake Pack
Autumn - Outback and Desert Lake Pack
Winter - Quokka Eucalyptus and Snowy Mountain Mint Pack
Spring - Rottnest Lavender and Daintree Spearmint Pack
*some products may contain less than 15% plastic. Any plastic is BPA free
Example Pack:
4x Soaps - RRP $28
1x Medium Candle - RRP $25
1x Toothbrush - RRP $5
1x Deodorant - RRP $10
1x Shampoo Bar - RRP $15
1x Conditioner Bar - RRP $15
Value $93!